Increasing demand for packaged food to be major drivers of antimicrobial packaging market till 2026


Increasing demand for packaged food to be major drivers of antimicrobial packaging market till 2026

The demand for ready-to-eat, minimally processed and easily prepared food is increasing day-by-day. Initially packaging of these foods was basically to provide protective and barrier functions, against physical and environmental damages. However, the growth or spoilage due to microorganisms in the packaged foodstuff has still continued to cause problems regarding food safety and quality. To deal with this problem, the concept of ‘Active Packaging’ was introduced, where different active substances are incorporated into the packaging material to improve its functionality. Antimicrobial food packaging is one form of active packaging, where use of materials with antimicrobial properties is involved.The main aim of this type of packaging is to achieve high quality, safety and long shelf life by reducing or inhibiting the growth of microorganisms, which may be present in the packed food or the packaging material itself. The most desired property of antimicrobial packaging material for food is the controlled release of antimicrobial agent. A rapid or slow release would result in spoilage of packaged food.

Several factors must be taken into account in the design or modelling of the antimicrobial film or package. It is clear that the selection of both the substrate and the antimicrobial substance is important in developing an antimicrobial packaging system.

Read more: Increasing demand for packaged food to be major drivers of antimicrobial packaging market till 2026

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