How packaging innovation is changing the food industry


How packaging innovation is changing the food industry

CHICAGO — While at one point in time, food packaging’s sole purpose may have been to contain product to keep it safe and fresh, as well as allow for distribution and merchandising, its role has become so much more. And it continues to evolve.

That was the foundation of the Global Midwest Alliance’s May 29 seminar, “Fresher, faster, tastier: How packaging innovations are changing the food industry,” held at the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago.

“Food packaging has become a vital source of reinvigoration for a stable yet evolving sector,” said Gail Longmore, chief executive officer and managing director of the Chicago-based not-for-profit educational organization. “The food industry is undergoing rapid changes as new products and categories are developed for consumers demanding fresher and tastier options. Packaging provides a valuable link between those producing and those consuming food products. Businesses can leverage packaging innovations to create value, develop new markets and foster employment. Moreover, important issues related to food safety, distribution and trade revolve around innovative packaging techniques and equipment.”

Read more: How packaging innovation is changing the food industry

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